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This project aims to create an OSGi framework that will not
be dependent from an underlaying Java or any other Virtual Machine.
It will contain two runtimes. The first one will be implemented entirely
in C++ and will use bundles written in C/C++ as well. It will be suitable for
sollutions utilizing hardware with limmited resources that does not allow the
usage of a Java Virtual Machine (for example a board with a slow CPU, and
maximum 2MB RAM and 2MB Flash/EEPROM).
The second one will provide the same functionality/code but will be wrapped in
the JNI intreface in order to be able to run under a standard Java runtime.
There are two major reasons for creating a JNI based clone. First of all
the JNI framework will be able to run trough a JVM runtime and will satisfy
existing sollutions with pre-made Java based bundles. The second reason is
that in order to be officially compatible with the OSGi specification the
framework must be able to pass the Java based testcases provided by OSGi.
10.12.2002 Planning phase started
First of all I'll start implementing the core classes.
Currently I'm exemining OSGi's reference implementation
to see if there are any caveats which will require a
different approach in C++.